Furhat Robotics announces major Software & SDK release

May 16, 2022

Furhat Robotics, the global leader in social robotics, today released a new major robotics software, called FaceCore, that allows robots to have very expressive and alive faces. Dubbed as the world’s most sophisticated social robot, Furhat can now express itself in much more detail, making the interaction even more engaging. Furhat Robotics is specifically known for creating robot faces that are highly expressive, and perceived to be alive. FaceCore pushes the envelope of where our industry is going in that direction” said Furhat Robotics CEO and co-founder, Samer Al Moubayed. Next to FaceCore, Furhat Robotics is also bringing out a whole new pool of readily accessible content, the Furhat Library.

The source of this news is from Furhat Robotics