Robot concierge trials in Germany and Japan

May 16, 2022

The SEMMI robot, developed by DB Systel on the Furhat Robotics platform, is a multilingual travel concierge designed to answer a variety of travel-related questions in nine different languages. Until May 31st the robot will be part of a JR East field test at Tokyo Station, which is the 8th busiest train station in the world. The goal of the field tests is to deploy concierge robots at subway stations during the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. DB Systel Gmbh – the digital innovation arm of German railway company Deutsche Bahn – first created FRAnny, a similar robot which answers questions at Frankfurt Airport. The robots can answer simple questions in multiple languages, freeing up valuable time for staff to work with more complicated issues.

The source of this news is from Furhat Robotics